TSA rules can be confusing. For example TSA allows disposable and Zippo lighters in carry on bags but not in checked luggage.
TSA only allows lighters in checked baggage in a DOT approved case with an approved exemption.
Carry On Bags: Yes
Checked Bags: Yes with restrictions

Tent Stakes & Tent Poles (Commonly Overlooked TSA Rule)
The rules do not allow tent stakes and poles in carry on bags. However, the rules do allow tent stakes and tent poles in checked baggage. You should always wrap any sharp objects including tent stakes to reduce any potential damage during transport.
Carry on Bags: No
Checked Bags: Yes

Trekking Poles (Commonly Overlooked TSA Rule)
TSA rules do not allow trekking poles on carry on bags. However, the rules do allow trekking poles in checked baggage. You should always wrap any sharp objects to reduce any potential damage during transit.
Carry on Bags: No
Checked Bags: Yes

Pocket Knife (Commonly Overlooked TSA Rule)
Regulations specifically forbid a pocket knife in your checked baggage. However, the TSA rules allow knives in checked baggage. You should always sheath your knives to reduce any potential injury during transport.
Carry on Bags: No
Checked Bags: Yes

Stove Fuel
TSA rules strictly forbid stove fuel in both carry on baggage and checked luggage. You should plan on purchasing stove fuel at your destination.
Carry on Bags: No
Checked Bags: No

Battery Power Banks
The rules allow battery power banks or portable chargers containing a lithium ion battery in carry on bags. However, the TSA rules forbit lithium ion batteries in checked bags.
Carry On Bags: Yes
Checked Bags: No

Bear Spray
TSA rules strictly forbid bear spray and mace in carry on baggage or checked luggage. If you plan on using bear spray on your backpacking trip you will need to pick up at your destination.
Carry On Bags: No
Checked Bags: No

Liquids Rule
You are allowed to bring liquids, gels, creams, aerosols, and pastes in a quart sized bag in your carry on. Each container in the quart sized bag is limited to travel size of 3.4 ounces (100 ml) or less. If you have a larger than 3.4 ounce (100 ml) container then it must be packed in with the checked baggage. (It is the size of the container not the amount of liquid in the container that counts.)
Carry On Bags: Yes with restrictions
Checked Bags: Yes
When you get ready to leave for a thru-hike or a backpacking trip, you have to prepare all of your gear and make sure you pack everything you need to take with you on your trip. However, if you have to fly to your backpacking destination, then you need to make sure everything you packed is allowed on an airplane, whether that be in carry on or checked baggage.
It is important that you check with the most current TSA rules prior to flying. This article should only be considered as a general guideline.